While writing instruments are an inexpensive promotional tool, the business owner needs to use caution when giving them out. Not only can you not afford to provide these pens to every passing person on the street due to the long term costs, but you also need to ensure that your pen is a good quality instrument that represents your brand.
These writing utensils:
- Are effective for all businesses
- Don’t violate most company’s “gift” policies
- Inexpensive to mass produce
- Offer value to your customers
Ideally, you will provide promotional writing instruments to those who you believe are a potential customer, along with those who are currently in your customer database. These pens, pencils and other tools should then convey the message you put value in this customer, while listing your name and phone number for easier reference.
To get the best results possible, you need to consider the pen and elements associated with it for the best results possible. For this, it pays to know and understand your customer base. What you will find is that the more appealing the design and usefulness of the pen, the more likely that it will be routinely used by the professional. That will mean that your name remains in front of them at all times and when they are using it around others, they will also start to see your name on a more routine basis.
Because some people will see it in passing, you will want to ensure that you have a good name, slogan and easy to read website URL on the pen. That way, people who end up finding the pen or are curious about your business will have something to go on. A major mistake people make is placing a phone number in place of the URL. If you have room for both that is fine, but customers are going to be more likely to browse your website than they will be to call you up on the phone to learn more about what you do.
When setup properly, writing instruments have the potential to be a powerful marketing tool that can expand the reach of your business, while boosting your overall sales. To handle this in the most effective manner possible, take a moment to review the line of quality promotional writing utensils that are available and determine which will add the most value for your customers. They are after all, the main target of your marketing campaign.